Monday, September 18, 2023

On School Prayer

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The Facebook postings come with regularity. “Put Prayer back in schools.”
Really? You think THAT’s where people should be performing their religious rituals? Exactly, whose version of prayer would you prefer to be taught in our schools systems? Yours, perhaps?
It may not have occurred to you, but different people, from different religions, “pray” in different ways. Some require props. Snakes. Chicken blood. The burning of various elements to produce just the right scent for the particular prayer being sent. Maybe a goat, and a broad axe. Pentagrams – those are cute. It’s been a while since I’ve been to school, so tell me, are the lockers nowadays big enough to hold all this stuff?
Oh, but you’re talking about the simple, quiet, act of just bowing one’s head for a moment or two – like, that’s how YOU do it. Right? So, tell me, who’s stopping anybody from doing that? Oh. You want that to be an organized, mandated thing. Like, the teacher (or somebody) tells the li’l chillerins to … right now … bow their heads and pray until they tell them to stop. Is it OK if Ahmed first runs to the restroom to wash himself; comes back to the room; rolls out his little rug; faces east; and then does his thing for the recommended 10 to 15 minutes? Will you arrange these mandatory prayer sessions to accommodate the specific times each day he’s supposed to do that? Would Opie, who’s been taught to throw up his hands and dance around while praying, be in any danger of tripping over Ahmed? And if Sage really does manage to call up the Dark One to 3rd Period English and that rug gets set on fire; then Tiffany’s goat panics and kicks the door open to run out into the hall; and is followed by Bubba’s snakes, and they run into the circle of Druids out there who scatter out and knock down the Wiccan bonfire and the school burns to the ground – is the insurance company going to handle the damages? Will they consider the loss to be one deductible, or two? That’s two, un-related hostile fires, the way I see it.
Just things I have to consider in my line of work.
It might be less complicated to put reading, writing, and arithmetic back into church.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Happy Holidays from "People For the American Way" - or, what drives us up the wall, courtesy of PFAW.

People For the American Way: Thank you for helping us Fight the Right

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More proof Limbaugh is out of his gourd. Hey, Rush, the whole bombing thing worked really well in Hanoi, didn't it? No ground troops you say? Again, for a second time today, I say "WTF?" - So nicely said by a man who couldn't serve his country because he had a problem with his ass.

Remember, this is the man ostensibly STILL leading the Republican party.

Watch Rush Limbaugh Calls For Massive Bombing War With Video at mediaite

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A nice young Republican researcher from conservative hot-bed George Mason University sent this to me - apparently, "Democratic areas" are getting more stimulus money than Republican voting districts - and the money, as such, isn't going to the places with the highest unemployment.

Oddly enough, it seems to us that people like Governors Sanford, Palin and Perry all screamed and cried about the stimulus money, and swore up and down they wouldn't take any. We'd love to see the unemployment figures in each of those states - much of the stimulus money that was rejected was for extending unemployment benefits. We can see where that contradicts the conservative mantra about making people "get off welfare" - removing their support so they somehow feel motivated to discover employment. We also wouldn't trust anything sent us by anyone at Mason or Mercatus - pretty biased research, we'd say. And funny as well - keep on trying, folks, keep on trying.

Want more of a laugh? Read the biased results from a biased school at Stimulus Facts | Mercatus.

We're pretty sure you won't find many "facts" but instead, a lot of "spin."

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Monday, November 23, 2009


We're pretty convinced that Palin supporters may be as brain-dead when it comes to the the technical aspects of governance as she is. No wonder they follow her, and no wonder they can't explain why they like her - the mentally challenged voting for, and buying books from, the mentally challenged.

Courtesy of: Palin Supporters Struggle To Explain Why They Support Palin (VIDEO).

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Friday, November 20, 2009


Funny, unintentionally, and totally on-the-level. A new documentary about the tea party movement. The sound bites are amazing by themselves.

Read more from Matthew Yglesias - Tea Party: The Documentary Film

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Teabaggers Were Right! OMG!

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Oh boy, who knew they had the true story all along?

Hitler's Diabolical Plan [PIC]

Questions About Mike Ross and Money

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Mike Ross raises eyebrows with healthy haul - Marcus Stern - ProPublica -
"Arkansas Rep. Mike Ross — a Blue Dog Democrat playing a key role in the health care debate — sold a piece of commercial property in 2007 for substantially more than a county assessment and an independent appraisal say it was worth.

The buyer: an Arkansas-based pharmacy chain with a keen interest in how the debate plays out.

Ross sold Holly’s Health Mart in Prescott, Ark., to USA Drug for $420,000 — an eye-popping price for real estate in a tiny train and lumber town about 100 miles southwest of Little Rock.

“You can buy half the town for $420,000,” said Adam Guthrie, chairman of the county Board of Equalization and the only licensed real estate appraiser in Prescott."

How's the working for you, Congressman?

Jon Oliver Offended at Teabaggers Lack of Respect for Great Britain's Tyranny

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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Party Tyranny
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

A little history lesson for the baggers of New Jersey.

Jon Oliver Is Offended at Teabaggers Lack of Respect for Great Britain's Tyranny | Comedy Central Insider Blog

56-year-old Virgin Testifies

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Sometimes ya just gotta wonder which planet these people come from. This is video from last week at a Texas school board meeting.

The thing is, the testimony was over whether the schools would start using text books that taught kids about people like tax protestor Grover Norquist and Dancing with the Stars idiot Tom DeLay.

This woman misunderstood, and stood up to testify about sex education.

She makes an interesting personal revelation - seems she's a virgin after 56 years, and has found a way to "complete sexual satisfaction with her clothes on."

You've got to listen - the board is understandably freaked out, but people have got to wonder what it is she does.

Maybe she sits at home watching Glenn Beck, letting the frustration well up, and then....BANG!

56-Year-Old Virgin [NSFW] [VIDEO]

Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Beck and W. Cleon Skousen

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At least one of us here freaked out when reading this story, though the rest of you may find it less strange.

One of our editors says, "when I was younger, I'd learned about this guy, W. Cleon Skousen because of his group called 'The Freeman Institute' - they were notorious for putting their own Bircher-like Mormon twist on patriotism, heavily mixing in Mormon religious doctrine with what they termed constitutional scholarship. There were a among the groups which believed none of the Constitution passed since the Bill of Rights applied to modern life. They also connected politics with church and "prophetical" teachings. They had a reputation locally for doing flag ceremonies wearing neo-nazi brownshirts and sam browne belts, along with riding boots. Very creep shit indeed, something our families warned us away from at all times."

Ah, the ancient evil revealed! We knew less about this guy but did a little research.

In 1987, controversy erupted in California over the term "pickaninny" used in Skousen's book The Making Of America, when it was considered as a textbook by the National Center for Constitutional Studies

This guy's history reads like that of a typical zealout, self-proclaimed scholar and rabid anti-communist of the McCarthy era, such so that he claimed anyone he disagreed with was a communist.

He was a police chief out west, until getting fired by the Mayor of Salt Lake City (an interesting story) and accused of illegally using public funds.

The interesting point is this - his book, The 5,000 year Leap, has apparently become required reading for Governor Perry, Mitt Romney - and get this - Glenn Asshat Beck, who told viewer the book was "divinely inspired."

Ah, Beckers, you should take some time to learn a little bit more about who it is you're following around and what he believes.

No dinging of Mormons here, we've been told the late Mr. Skousen was a pretty controversial figure among those in that church, and that not everyone liked the guy.

However, he seems to have found a new relevance because of the newly found love for political insanity and conspiracy theories found by American rightists, independents and libertarians.

The Washington Independent - Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and W. Cleon Skousen

Monday, September 21, 2009

Values Voters Go After Both MSNBC and Fox

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The loonies at the so-called "Values Voters Summit" in DC demonstrating what asses they truly are by harrassing reporters from both MSNBC and Fox News.

They also let their true colors show, don't they?

“Values voters” go nuts at MSNBC, Fox reporters trying to cover their event - Daily Kos TV (beta)

The Origins of Glenn Beck (Video)

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Worth a look and a laugh - someone suggested Glenn Beck got his entire routine from this "Kids in the Hall" skit.

We watched, we can't disagree.

You've been warned, you have been shown the truth.

Progressive Delmarva

Republicans Suggest Healthcare Reform will Discriminate by Race

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This comes in a fundraising mailer for Senate Republicans, disguised as a "survey." It, of course, looks official, and asks that all-too interesting 3rd question...
Are you concerned that health care rationing could lead to:

23. Denial of treatment in cases where the patient's prospects are deemed not good?

24. A "lottery" system of determining who will get priority treatment?

25. A "quota" system which would determine who would determine who would get treatment on the basis of race or age?

OK, interesting question. We've heard nothing about that from anyone, least of all Senate Republicans, until this very moment.

It leads us to wonder what the targeted recipients might think. And, yes, the answer we suspect some survey takers might give, or at least think, worries us. Seems like more stoking unfounded fears, but 'tis the season - and 'tis waaaaaay off topic as far as we can see.

Hey, if you want to have a conversation about racism, go ahead and do it directly, not in this sly-boots way.

We're curious - why do you think this one is in there?

Senate GOP Mailer Suggests Dem Health Care System Will Discriminate By Race

Bush was misunderstood - NYT Columnist

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For those of you who truly hate the “liberal media” today’s above the fold editorial by Ross Douthat in the New York Times should change your opinion.

Rarely have we seen such an early attempt to re-write the history of the Bush Administration in such a bold place. Douthat admits the poll numbers might make Mr. Bush a “failed president” but then goes ahead to point out two situations he says the President caused – and then “corrected.”

The cases in point? First, the disasterous decision to start the war in Iraq. Secondly, helping to continue the housing bubble which has just about destroyed the economy. Douthat says Mr. Bush solved the first problem by employing the surge strategy suggested by General David Petraeus. He then says Mr. Bush solved the economic problems by creating the bailout. Funny, it seemed to us that conservatives were crediting Mr. Obama with the bailout program.

There’s enough disingenuous thought in that alone to keep up going for half an hour, but what really grabbed us was what followed.

Douthat said that Bush’s REALLY inventive and “best” initiatives came after he’d lost support of both the public and his own allies. Among those “best” initiatives?

By contrast, Bush’s best initiatives often lacked a constituency outside the White House: His AIDS-in-Africa program; his insistence, vindicated by subsequent scientific breakthroughs, on seeking alternatives to embryo-destroying research; his failed second-term proposals for Social Security and tax reform.

We’re still scratching our heads after that paragraph. Seems all of these had sizeable constituencies to begin with. The AIDS program still has active advocates in former President Clinton and his foundation, along with the entire UN. The stem-cell research program had plenty of supporters among Catholics and the evangelical Christian set.

As for any of these ideas being his best? We’d like to think that the collective wisdom of Americans worked on these ill-conceived notions in the proper way. AIDS funding continues to work, though we’d like more of it. The stem cell program was done away with on the power of a new, saner administration, to the delight of researchers and patients everywhere. Social Security “reform” consisted of private accounts that would most likely have been wiped out when mortgage-based derivatives collapsed the markets. Tax reform? We’re still waiting to see that happen – especially with more taxes levied on the rich, at least back to the level we saw during the Reagan years.

We’re not sure if any of Mr. Bush’s attempts at reforming healthcare did anything but enrich big pharma – and we’re not sure if the current plan will just do more of the same.

In all, we’d say to Mr. Douthat and the Times that next time they try to whitewash the former administration, they do a better job of it and use some facts we can agree on, short of the census bureau data which Douthat cites as showing Americans are considerably worse off now than they were eight years ago.

That’s one fact upon which we can all agree.

Op-Ed Columnist - The Self-Correcting Presidency -

Irony Alert - Ron Paul Campaign Mgr dead at age 49 - didn't have insurance.

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49 years old, and Kent Snyder has died of pneumonia. And, like a true libertarian, he had no health insurance.

That mean's he left his family $400,000 in debt.

Yes, he and Paul opposed healthcare reform.


Rob Kall: Libertarian Legacy? Ron Paul's Campaign Manager, 49, Dies Uninsured, Of Pneumonia, Leaving family $400,000 Debt

Friday, September 18, 2009

O'Reilly Supports the "Public Option" - Yep, True - See it Yourself

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Holy shit.

O’REILLY: But you know, I want that, Ms. Owcharenko. I want that. I want, not for personally for me, but for working Americans, to have a option, that if they don’t like their health insurance, if it’s too expensive, they can’t afford it, if the government can cobble together a cheaper insurance policy that gives the same benefits, I see that as a plus for the folks.

"Tea Party Patriots" - what say you? Who's next, Beck?

O’Reilly backs government health insurance option - Daily Kos TV (beta)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Human Cost of Insurance Trouble - Video

Man Chokes Up Over Insurance Woes

Shared via AddThis

Obama Wants Your Food! Quick, Hide!

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Michelle Bachmann has lost her mind. She thinks Mr. Obama will control what we eat! It's communism, I tell ya!

Washington Monthly has a very funny take on this ridiculous speech.

Yes, Michele, that's exactly what it means. In fact, ACORN will now be responsible for preparing all foods in all households. President Obama will appoint a "dinner czar" to make sure you don't skip your vegetables. If you do, a "death panel" will decide whether you qualify for dessert.

If this is the kind of person the American voter is sending to Congress, we've got some very big problems to worry about. Astronomically huge problems. Maybe you should start food storage - not because of The President, but because of Bachmann.

The Washington Monthly

Republicans Find New People to Scare - Disabled Kids.

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A new twist on the "death panel" - scaring parents of disabled kids. Another twist on say the President will use healthcare reform to practice eugenics.

Pretty disturbing stuff, and pretty low. We thought we'd let Rachel Maddow give her take on it, and then let the Representative herself speak.

Your thoughts welcome.

Rachel Maddow:New low for health care reform opponents

Laugh-In's Henry Gibson Dead at 73

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Henry Gibson has passed away - here he is with Lee Merriweather - we just couldn't find video of his signature role as an angry Illinois Nazi from "Blues Brothers."

Very funny guy, loved him on Laugh-In. He'll be missed.

Henry Gibson dies at 73; original cast member of :Laugh-In --

Burt Reynolds in rehab

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Apparently Stroker Ace developed an addiction to painkillers after back surgery.

Burt Reynolds goes to drug rehab, manager says -

Orly Taitz - Angry Fraggle Laughed out of Court

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From the "Not surprising, but why did it take so damned long" file, seems a judge out west decided he'd had it with Birther queen Orly Taitz's latest attempt at proving the President comes from someplace other than Hawaii.

In this case - the judge dismissed the action, and told Taitz pretty much to never show her face in his court again, or she'd be punished. Seems the judge believed Taitz and her client had no facts, but only wanted to grandstand about political issues.

A victory for common sense, but still a victory for Orly, who will continue her insane, be-wigged crusade with an ever increasing number of fake Kenyan birth certificates.

Our question is this: have we had enough of this? Has it become enough of a joke, or does Taitz insist on returning to the air for a beating even at the hands of Fox pundits?

We'll make the popcorn.

Orly Taitz gets laughed out of court - War Room -

Can anyone at KARK or KATV Do This? Please?

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Having once worked in the teevee business, I can understand the joy the production crew felt at hearing this one. Anyone pulled a similar boo-boo on air here in state, short of Craig Cannon losing his tooth on KHOG?

NY Fox News Anchor Anastos: Keep F*cking That Chicken - Ernie enastos - Gawker

Obama is Anti-Christ...If you'e from New Jersey

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So THAT'S the problem! We wondered what was going on. Perhaps this explains it.

Some other interesting tidbits from the poll?

- Twelve percent of McCain voters think Obama is the Anti-Christ. Twenty-one percent are not sure.

- Fourteen percent of Republicans think Obama is the Anti-Christ. Fifteen percent are not sure.

- Eighteen percent of “conservative” voters think Obama is the Anti-Christ. Seventeen percent are not sure.

The big surprise here–the group of voters most likely to think Obama is the Anti-Christ are … Hispanics, who solidly backed Obama in 2008. Only 58 percent of them say, for sure, that their president is not Satan come to wreak havoc here on earth.

Mr. Estrada, care to comment here? Your thoughts - is this true to your experience? Also, seems like Republicans are missing a big opportunity here.

The Washington Independent Poll: One in Three New Jersey Conservatives Thinks Obama Might Be the Anti-Christ

Conservative ACORN Critic Notably Absent - Can Anyone Say "Hookers?"

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As the attack dogs go after ACORN in the media and rightwing websites (yes, some of you have also gone after the organization) someone noticed the ACORN-Critic-In-Chief, LA Rep. David Vitter has somehow vanished. He didn't vote on the defunding bill, hasn't said anything about it and mean nada.

Is there something wrong here, something he doesn't want to talk about?

As noted by ABC's Jake Tapper, the Louisiana Democratic Party has honed in on a "point of potential awkwardness for the senator" -- "the fake prostitution ring" the undercover conservative operatives discussed with ACORN employees, "versus the very real ones Vitter was accused of having frequented."

I guess we could see some embarassment there, yes?

The Raw Story - Senator’s madam woes may be crimping his anti-ACORN crusade